Thursday, August 26, 2004
Thursday, Thursday
One great bit of news is that I've been studying the Bible with a friend who's been coming to church some recently. We met once last week and then now have met twice this week. It's so exciting to see her desire to know God's Word and read many of the stories for the first time. It is just so refreshing to see someone who realizes that she NEEDS to know more about God and realizes she doesn't have all the answers. So many people in this world try to do it all themselves and I can't help but think how sad life must be for them. Please pray for us as we continue our study.
Psalm 119:97-104
Oh, how I love your law!
I meditate on it all day long.
Your commands make me wiser than my enemies,
for they are ever with me.
I have more insight than all my teachers,
for I meditate on your statutes.
I have more understanding than the elders,
for I obey your precepts.
I have kept my feet from every evil path
so that I might obey your word.
I have not departed from your laws,
for you yourself have taught me.
How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
I gain understanding from your precepts;
therefore I hate every wrong path.
Monday, August 23, 2004
TBD (To Be Deceased)

My life is now complete, and it's a good thing as it's almost over. I have officially had my first death threat. Literally. I don't think I would have quite planned it like this though as I don't even have any witnesses that I know. I'm actually quite disappointed. Well, here is the story....
So tonight I decide to have a little Matt time and go to see the remake of The Manchurian Candidate at 7:35 PM CDT at the Theater 3 in AMC Quail Springs 24 . Well I get there quite early and I'm just sitting there by myself. Some other people come and fill in the row where I'm sitting but there is still 1 empty seat on my left and 2 on my right. I begin to worry that I'm going to have to sit by some wide-legging, late-coming, 50 year old man and sure enough right as the previews finish, my fears are realized.
Needless to say, this wide-legger forced me re-evaluate the position of my lower appendages as I was using the right leg cross on the knee maneuver at the time. (I might add that I was quite comfortable.) I forced myself to hold fast in this position for at least a couple of more minutes but then decided to reverse my position as to achieve maximum comfort level for this film. I stayed in this position for quite a while. I wasn't really thinking about my positioning any longer, but then I made my one fatal mistake. Apparently I unconsciously decided to again reverse back to my original position when I suddenly heard something coming from the row directly in front of me.
I looked down to discover the chap in the row below me and one seat over looking back in my direction. He was a black male approximately age 19 or 20 and maybe 5'9" 160 lbs. I'm just going to call him Reggie (in honor of Reggie Jackson) b/c he had a NY Yankees hat on (and it was crooked to the left, I might add). So I see Reg looking back at me and I lean down close enough to hear what he's saying. Here is the exchange:
Reg: (In a rather belligerent tone with pretty high volume) "Stop kicking her seat!!"
Matt: (In a regular, slightly irritated voice) "What?"
Reg: "Stop kicking her seat!!"
Matt: "I didn't know I was kicking her seat."
Reg: "Just stop!"
Matt: "Have you ever thought of asking nicely? I would respond much better to you if you were polite!"
Reg: "Don't do it again!"
Matt: (As I'm sitting back in my chair) "Whatever."
Reg: (Trailing off) "Don't do it again or I'm going to kill you...."
Needless to say, I wasn't too worried about dying although it was slightly annoying. To top it all off the wide-legger didn't even budge during the whole exchange!!! I guess you really have to be oblivious to be a wide-legger. At the end of the film, I was obviously curious as to how Reggie was going to react. As he got up, he straightened...err, un-straightened his cap and slightly glanced back, but not far enough to make eye contact with me. I just looked straight ahead and was hoping he'd make eye contact but of course he didn't, even as he wound around under the stairs and was facing back in my direction. I guess he just had to show off for his woman while in the heat of the moment. I feel so accomplished now that I stood up to a teenage "thug." :-)
It's a good thing that just this morning I was teaching our Singles' class on Ephesians 5:21-6:9 on the concept of submission, because I really wanted to get mad at that fellow tonight but I was really able to think about what I was doing and to think how God would want me to be submissive in that situation. Funny how God's Word can really change me when I need it. It was definitely a memorable least for tonight!!
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." Ephesians 5:21
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Jungle Jon and the Appendix of Terror

This is my friend Jon. He is now appendix free. The sad thing is that the next time we're together I can't use the word "appendices" in referring to our collective vestigial organs as he no longer possesses his. Now the word "rupture" can and will continue to be used, count on it. [Update: Ok I discovered that the actual medical term for the plural of appendix is appendixes rather than appendices so this paragraph is pointless, but I'm leaving it in anyway to prove to eveyone that I'm not as perfect as you think I am!! :-)]
Oh and Jon is a big Oklahoma State fan. (Actually he is really a pretty average sized Oklahoma State fan as he is nothing resembling obese or a giant.) But don't hold that against him. I think he was just hit on the head as a child or something. And for all the ladies out there--he is single and can be reached at Mercy Hospital. But don't get any ideas: despite his sedation, he still won't fall for the "You need a sponge bath Mr. Haire" routine so don't even try it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Neglect - That's (Not) My Name So Don't Wear It Out
Well the last week or so I have stayed pretty busy with who knows what. I've been teaching class on Sunday mornings all month so that's kept me pretty busy. I guess I've just reallyl been on an anti-computer kick the last week or so. I usually have mine on but I never seem to want to sit down and really use it much--except to look up for OU football info. I think a lot of this feeling is due to the fact that I'm just ready for summer to be over and the football season to get here. I know, all those non-football fans probably think I'm crazy for being this way but when something has been a part of your life every year since you were born, it really means a lot. Of course I'm not going to live or die by the outcome of the games, but it is a lot of fun to follow and if you've never been to a game at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium then you're really missing out. There is very little better than a beautiful autumn day in Section 10 Row 65 Seat 9. I'm sure I'll have more thoughts on this subject as the season gets here but honestly, right now I'm pretty much braindead.
Oh one thing of interest (to me) occurred tonight at Chili's after church. I used the word "likewise" when ordering my Bacon burger and it really stuck everyone funny. I mean, come on! The word "likewise" is an awesome and much under-utilized word in our times. I feel strongly about this and likewise about the word "ubiquitous."
Ok I'm braindead and I'm going to bed.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Busy Weekend
It was good to have Clint down. We hadn't hung out in over two years which is amazing when I think about it. Even though he beat me 4 times in NCAA football 2005 on PS2, at least I got him twice. I really need to work on my game though so that next time I can do my Sooners proud.
Well today started the fall practice for the Sooner Football team. Oh it's been so long. I went out to practice after work and even though they were only in shorts and no pads, it was still good to know that the season is not far away. I have so many things I'm looking forward to seeing this year. I'll reserve those for a later post when I'm not so sleepy. I really just wanted to make sure I don't negelct my blog! I really have enjoyed writing in it and don't want to get out of the habit. So I've done the duty for tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some more enlightening thoughts.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Cleaning Day starring Yours Truly

Well cleaning day has arrived at my excuse for an apartment. My buddy Clint is coming to stay a couple of nights with me while he is taking care of some things for his upcoming move back to Oklahoma. I've been intending to clean a little since I haven't partaken in cleansing my abode from impurities in, oh, 6 years. Funny thing is I've only lived here for three and a half. Well we'll see how I do. I thought I'd take a moment to document the filth that I've attained. Not many people in my position can accomplish this badge of honor so I'd better show off.
The above picture is of my fridge which I just cleaned out for the first time in at least 6 months. A couple of items of note are the pitcher of red Kool-Aid on the top shelf and the cake on the bottom. I'm proud to admit that the Kool-Aid was created by me back in early March. At the time of creation, I didn't realize that it had Nutrasweet in it and used my regular formula of adding 1 cup of sugar. So suffice it to say that I didn't drink it and kind of forgot it was there. The second item, the cake, was a gift for my birthday (thanks Tam-e) which was Ides of March Eve. It was actually very delicious and as you can see I did eat half of it before I forgot it was there. Well I'm proud to announce that they are no longer there as they now reside in the community dumpster.
If you care to see any further evidence of the disgusting residence in which I dwell, feel free to visit my photo album for a few other pics. I'll post some "After" pics to prove that I actually am doing what I claim.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Tired Minds Want to Know
Blogging is taking the world by storm. Even the Prez is taking it up. That guy is something else!! (Thanks Adria for the link.)
Well it's been one of those days today. You know, the kind where you're in a good mood for no apparent reason. I guess I have a reason and that is that I am alive and healthy, but for some reason things were especially good.
I did have a great thing happen to me today. I was going to cancel my DSL at the end of the month so I called to see when the month expired and come to find out I somehow reregistered for another year!!! I'm ticked! The worst part is I apparently filled out the renewal on SBC's website just about 3 weeks ago. Funny thing is that I don't recall doing this at all. I'm pretty sure I don't smoke crack and my memory isn't failing me (or is it? I can't seem to remember if it is or not) but somehow I managed to do this. That gets me in 'til next July 22nd!! If I want to cancel now I have to pay $200!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, come one, I've been a good SBC customer and now I'm stuck. I was so frustrated that I wrote them an email voicing my disdain for their business practices. It is below if you'd like to read it although I was frustrated and trying to hurry to go to Bible study so I could have done better (especially on punctuation!!), but then again, they really don't deserve better. :-)
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been a customer of yours for just right at a year. I have enjoyed your service and have been pleased with everything all the way around. Today I called to see when my contract has expired because I am going to need to cancel my service [edited] and I discovered that I have apparently renewed my subscription for another year as of a few weeks ago. I was told I signed up for something on your website that committed me to another year and if I want to cancel it will cost me a penalty of $200. This is very puzzling to me in that I cannot recall renewing my subscription. I do not doubt the validity of the request you received from me, but it's just frustrating to me that I cannot get some help from a company of which I have been a customer for over 3 years. I was told on the phone that there was no way to revert my account to its previous state, which would allow me to cancel my subscription at the end of the present month.
It is very troubling to me that a venerable company such as yours would want to end our business together on such a sour note by forcing me to pay a fee, which, although trivial to you, is a significant amount to me. Considering the good services you have provided for me, I would have very seriously considered using you company again in the future, however, if I know that I'm going to be rewarded for my patronage by being forced to pay to leave then I am seriously going to reconsider your company as a viable option for me in the future. I do not intend this as a threat (because I know that I am just one customer which has little influence on your profits) but I just wanted to express to you my frustration with this process. I truly hope you will consider this in your future negotiations with customers such as myself.
Matt Gambill
Well tonight was Bible study. We talked about the future of our group. I'll leave it at that. No time to go into details. I just pray God will open our hearts. I could say more but now is not a good time to go into it. :-)
Oh and Zac put me onto a good website today. It's called You should check it out (although I can't vouch for all of the content--the games are cool though.) Ok I'm headed to bed.
Nothing is worse than living in a state of strife and dissension. I just don't see how people can live in a family that is always fighting or how people can just not want to get along with others. It is especially when brothers and sisters in Christ can live in the unity that God desires for them. In John 17 Jesus talks about his desire that all believers be one, yet so often we just don't live like this. I'm not even talking about all the divisions in the churches of the world, but rather within the fellowship the we can have within our local congregations or even classes. We can meet together so ofen and even be friends yet be on totally differnt planes in regard to our level of commitments to God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. God want us to be like-minded, not having any divisions among us, including in our thoughts. I know that since we are fleshly beings we are going to screw this up, but still we need to strive for this in our churches and in our relationships with other believers. Sometimes I just feel that I' m the only one who thinks the things I do, though, and that can be frustrating. But that is for another day! Thank God for IM friends who listen to me and let me vent, even when that's not what they were talking to me for! Oh well, bed time....
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Sunday Night aLive...But Just Barely :-)
I played my first online game of NCAA Football 2005 today against my good friend Clint. Of course Clint is a big Horn fan so we had the Red River Shootout going and I let down my beloved Sooners. I think we might possibly have played the ugliest game of Playstation in the history of system. Clint beat me 14-9 and the deciding touchdown was off of a stupid interception I threw. I just couldn't recognize that stupid zone!!! I really need some more practice. I can't believe I lost and it's not going to sit well with me. He's coming into town this week though, so I'll get my chance at revenge.
Tonight I was sitting in Starbucks with Cochran, G, Stasial, Holly D, Ro-Z and the Etta. It was one of those nights where I was tired but yet didn't want to just come home and sit around by myself, so we just all sat back and talked and drank some coffee. Before we left I had an interesting conversation that apparently makes me not only a jerk to women, but also afraid of getting married (this was coming from the ladies of course as the guys left me to fend for myself.) My great idea is to have an arrangement with a female that is purely platonic, to where I share the cooking and laundry duties. There is nothing going on romantically and in fact we don't even live together, but perhaps just next door to one another. We could chip in on food together and share the cooking duties and even laundry and that's it. By no means was I saying I ever expect to have anything like this, but rather that it would just be nice for someone like me who NEVER eats at home and rarely does laundry. The girls, of course, completely shredded my idea by informing me that there is no girl alive who could have a relationship like this without becoming emotionally involved (save some relative). I still believe that there is SOMEONE out there who could handle this so I'm going to keep my eyes open.
After this conversation, I was then accused by one person (I'm not mentioning any names, Stasial's sister) of being afraid to get married. Naturally I don't really feel this is true and tried to explain that being afraid of something and not wanting to do something are two entirely different things. But then again, I really haven't given the idea much thought one way or the other. I need to do some thinking on that idea before I go into too much detail.
Oh one other thing: I taught class this morning. It's funny how sometimes I dread preparing when I teach because I want to do well and I feel so far away from "well", yet when I get up there I just love it. I sure hope I am effective in communicating God's message to people. I feel I do a good job, but I have a lot of room for improvement. I can tell that I'm much better now that I was a year ago and I'm thankful that God has blessed me with this opportunity. This morning we covered Ephesians 4:17-24. I actually got quite of bit of participation for the class which was encouraging. I didn't do as great of a job preparing this week as I had so much going on with the car and all, but next Sunday will hopefully go much better. I've just got to learn to stop procrastinating. Procrastinating....there's idea for the longest post ever, but I'll save that for another day....
Ephesians 4:22-24 "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. "