Adrian Peterson

Well I've successfully neglected my blog for quite some time so I think I shall take this opportunity to re-aquaint myself with it. The reason I have the time right now is 1) because I finally got my internet turned on at my new (old) place and 2) because I'm waiting on my brother to get here so we can drive to Texas.
I guess that brings me to my two interesting bits of news. I MOVED!!! I am officially back in the structure of my youth. I'm am now the sole resident of my parents' house in Midwest City. I must admit it is quite strange to be back here--especially since I'm the only one living here. It is rather odd to even be in here but now that I've been moved in for a week it's becoming a bit more normal. I'll have to elaborate more on the interesting tihngs that will come with this move later.
The second newsworthy thought is where I'm headed!!!! OU-texas!!! I must say that I owe a big debt of gratitude to my cousin Julie for procuring me and Zac some tickets for the big game. It's been 5 years since I was last blessed to attend the game. I must say that it has been a LONG week this week just waiting for the game to get here. I have so many thoughts about it that I'm just ready for the teams to take the field so I don't have to analyze it anymore.
Really all of the talk leading up to the game is about how we have texas' number but how improved they are this year with their new defensive coordinators and the new emphasis on the run with Benson and Young. I admit, it's just like every year and I'm nervous because they are the one team I absolutely DO NOT want to lose to. Even with all the talk, the closer I get and the more nervous I get, I suddenly rememberd today that we have A.D., Clayton, White, et. al. It's funny how people seem to forget to mention that. I admit, I am concerned about our defensive tackles. I was even before Dvoracek's dismissal but now I'm very worried. Despite that, we will have to really be flat to not score a lot of points on texas. I guess overall I don't know how the score will turn out but I must say I will be very dissappointed if we don't win.
Ok my fingers are tired. I really have a lot more to write about the game but I'm too digitally out of shape to record it. Hopefully my next post will have some good news!! OU 38 - texas 17