Blogadocious has been dormant for quite awhile so I thought I'd end my silence by sharing with you a good book I just finished. It's called
Bringing Down the House. It's the real-life story of a group of MIT students who used and elaborate card-counting scheme to win millions of dollars playing blackjack. The best part is it reads like fiction yet is at least based on actual events. I'm not much of a gambler but it sure made me want to go to Vegas! It's definitely worth a read.
And since I'm on the topic.....
A judge today ruled against a group from Pennsylvania who was trying to have 'Intelligent Design' taught in the biology classes of local schools. Well I must admit I haven't followed this story closely, but it continually frustrates me how it is "unconstitutional" to teach
Creationism or something similar. Even if one chooses not to believe something, why does that mean that we shouldn't learn about it? That completely flies in the face of the whole idea of learning and scholarship. I obviously don't believe in
evolution but that doesn't meant that I shouldn't want to learn about it. What's the worst thing that can happen if you learn about something? I suppose it's that you could come to believe it and I guess that's what most of those who oppose teaching Creationism are afraid of. I wouldn't want a public institution teaching my child theology but we are only fostering ignorance if our society refuses to acknowledge a common (and truthful!) idea. It takes no greater leap of faith to believe in the Creation that it does to believe in evolution yet the latter is considered "fact." God must love our nation's willingness to defend the truth!!!
I'm late and leaving. No time to proof-read. Please provide corrections in the form of a comment.