Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sooners Win Holiday Bowl

Well, tonight OU pulled it out over Oregon winning the game 17-14. I'd like to say that I'm ecstatic over the win but in reality I'm just relieved it's over. This team did everything it could do to lose the game but thankfully Clint Ingram saved the day with an interception in the final minute. For the most part it was a pretty slow game until the third quarter when the offense got things rolling. It was pretty typical of the season however as we left a lot of points on the field, but at least we won. Had Peterson not fumbled on the goal line things could have turned out quite differently.

On the bright side, I really liked some of the plays we ran out of the spread and there are a lot of things to look forward to in the future. The offense looked good overall, and I must say I am excited about not having Chuck here anymore. It's too early to say that Wilson is going to be a great improvement, but things looked much better tonight. Also, I'm not about to start proclaiming a run at the MNC next year but this team has a chance to be good. There is a lot of young talent on this team and if they can learn to actually put people away it could be really good. It would also be a bonus if we learned to play special teams, but that can wait until next year I guess. Until then I can just root against Texas next week and wait eagerly for spring ball.

Boomer Sooner

Good Ol' English

Sometimes the English language really intrigues me. I don’t profess to have a vast knowledge or great grasp of this fine language, as I was always more of the math and science type, but there have always been little things that just fascinate me.

So today I was doing a little browsing of and I came across a word that I’ve always thought to be quite interesting.


  1. Immoral or unchaste; lewd.
  2. a. Gratuitously cruel; merciless. b. Marked by unprovoked, gratuitous maliciousness; capricious and unjust: wanton destruction.
  3. Unrestrainedly excessive: wanton extravagance; wanton depletion of oil reserves.
  4. Luxuriant; overabundant: wanton tresses.
  5. Frolicsome; playful.
  6. Undisciplined; spoiled.
  7. Obsolete. Rebellious; refractory.
Ok. How exactly can a word mean both immoral or unchaste and frolicsome and playful? What in the world? I mean, I would hope we don’t get the meanings of those two mixed up due to a lack of context in a sentence. I’d hate to tell a friend of mine that “I was out with that wanton lass from Sedgewick County the other night.” while quite intending to convey the idea that she was a spoiled girl or even quite playful, yet he is sitting there thinking I’m hanging out with some lewd woman. That could make for quite an uncomfortable situation for some.

Another one that strikes me as interesting is one that my brother pointed out to me a few years ago:


  1. Subject to debate; arguable: a moot question.
  2. a. Law. Without legal significance, through having been previously decided or settled. b. Of no practical importance; irrelevant.
Once again, how can something mean arguable and irrelevant? I would think that those are somewhat conflicting ideas. I certainly wouldn't want to argue about something that is irrelevant. And just like the aforementioned word, I would definitely hate to tell someone that I had a moot question intending to convey that it was debatable yet they think I’m telling them it’s not important. No one would ever understand me. Come to think of it, maybe I’m already doing this as people tend to fail to grasp what I’m saying a majority of the time anyway.

In closing, I’m sure this entire post is quite moot. I hope all you wanton readers have an ambiguous day.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Quote of the Day

At 11:34 AM Carrie wrote:

"to be honest I'd rather be home cooking and having babies than working any day...."

Not sure the relevance to others but I wanted the world to know the truth.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

TV on Steroids

Let me just take a moment to opine on one cool invention. A couple of months ago I heard about the Slingbox on The Jim Rome Show. Basically the idea behind it is that a couple of guys who were sports fans got tired of missing the San Francisco Giants baseball games while they were traveling for work, so they decided to do something about it and that something is the Slingbox. The concept is simple--watch your TV from any broadband connection. I decided to pick one up so that my dad could watch the OU games from Warsaw, as he hadn't been able to watch any the Sooners play since he moved there 3 years ago. It's turned out to be a great purchase not only for them as I use it to watch TV from my computer room, the toilet, and other various places around the house. I would highly recommend this if you're an avid TV watcher and spend any amount of time on the road. Thanks Slingbox! If you were a woman I'd marry you!

Friday, December 23, 2005

One of Life's True Pleasures

I just popped a big zit that had been on my neck for about 4 days. It had grown quite annoying as I'd been squeezing on that bad boy the whole time, but I must say that it was quite a thrill when it finally came to head. I just got that nostalgic feeling of what it was like back in those fond days of puberty to feel the rush of that pus as it smashed onto the bathroom mirror. There is little better.

In light of this, as you can probably already tell, I'd like to take this opportunity to now openly confess my enjoyment of pimples. Actually to be precise I need to say that I actually enjoy popping them because I've never much cared for the appearance nor the lingering sore spot that coincides with these delightful little fellas. But when it comes right down to the moment when the pus comes shooting out of that whitehead like a bullet out of the barrel of a gun, there are few things better in life. In fact, there was a time in my life that had I found a bottle with a genie in it, I would have used one of my three wishes on the ability to have a whole patch of zits on my face each morning that I could pop and then they'd leave no after-effect. Kind of a dermotological bubble wrap, if you will. But, alas, that is only in my dreams. I will now have to settle for the occasional blemish and cherish each pus-filled moment they provide me. But a man can dream can't he?

Shift in the Digital World?

I read and interesting article today about France passing a law that could allow peer-to-peer downloading of copyrighted music and movies. This article is interesting not only because it uses the word "unfettered" in the title but also because it could drastically change the landscape of internet downloads. I for one was a big fan of the original Napster, which allowed users to download all kinds of songs free of charge, but I can definitely understand the reluctance of the music and movie industries to allow free downloads. Obviously as a frugal consumer, I hope we see this move in the direction of the users rather than the industry but I guess we'll see. Until then I'll just continue crossing my fingers and borrowing my brothers cds....

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Quick Thoughts by Mack Gamby

Well Blogadocious has been dormant for quite awhile so I thought I'd end my silence by sharing with you a good book I just finished. It's called Bringing Down the House. It's the real-life story of a group of MIT students who used and elaborate card-counting scheme to win millions of dollars playing blackjack. The best part is it reads like fiction yet is at least based on actual events. I'm not much of a gambler but it sure made me want to go to Vegas! It's definitely worth a read.

And since I'm on the topic..... A judge today ruled against a group from Pennsylvania who was trying to have 'Intelligent Design' taught in the biology classes of local schools. Well I must admit I haven't followed this story closely, but it continually frustrates me how it is "unconstitutional" to teach Creationism or something similar. Even if one chooses not to believe something, why does that mean that we shouldn't learn about it? That completely flies in the face of the whole idea of learning and scholarship. I obviously don't believe in evolution but that doesn't meant that I shouldn't want to learn about it. What's the worst thing that can happen if you learn about something? I suppose it's that you could come to believe it and I guess that's what most of those who oppose teaching Creationism are afraid of. I wouldn't want a public institution teaching my child theology but we are only fostering ignorance if our society refuses to acknowledge a common (and truthful!) idea. It takes no greater leap of faith to believe in the Creation that it does to believe in evolution yet the latter is considered "fact." God must love our nation's willingness to defend the truth!!!

I'm late and leaving. No time to proof-read. Please provide corrections in the form of a comment.

Friday, December 09, 2005

I Am Officially Cool Now

So I have nothing better to do today so here is a dumb quiz I created. I know you're all foaming at the mouth to take this. Knock yourselves out.

My Lame Quiz

Check the Scoreboard