- Square One
- Politik
- Yellow
- Speed of Sound
- God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
- X&Y
- Not sure. Maybe How You See the World?
- Don't Panic (w/ Johnny Buckland singing a whole verse by himself)
- White Shadows
- The Scientist
- 'Til Kingdom Come
- Ring of Fire
- Trouble
- Clocks
- Talk
Then the encore was:
- Swallowed in the Sea
- In My Place
- Fix You
A couple of notes that stood out Chris Martin played the first couple of songs with his fly open and then let the crowd know that he had a "wardrobe malfunction" and apologized. He then changed some lyrics in "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" to something to the effect of "God gave you style and made you frown. He let me play some songs with my fly down" which was pretty hilarious. Also, he referenced OKC as being the home of the Flaming Lips and said Wayne Coyne took them on a tour of town today. Wayne also happened to be at the show tonight as well. Chris mentioned that the four greatest American singers were Elvis, Bob Dylan, Wayne, and Johnny Cash right before singing 'Til Kingdom Come and Ring of Fire. Oh and during In My Place he ran to the back of the arena and stood in the stands to sing the end of the song. It was just a great and memorable show....

*If you were there and would like to remind me of the proper order of the set list or anything that I left out, just let me know and I'll update