Thursday, December 02, 2004

Exultate and Have a Good Time

I'm writing this from the toilet. Even though I'm used to technology, sometimes I just have those moments when it all hits. If you would've told me 10 years ago I would be able to blog while sitting on my porcelain throne, I would have thought you were talking about something altogether different than what I'm actually accomplishing at this moment. I guess I would've still been half right, but that's what I'm discussing here! ;-) Anyway, technology is just cool.

Right about now Mom and Dad and Zac are somewhere over the Atlantic or Europe on their way home. It will definitely be nice to see them, although I have a lot to do between now and tomorrow. I know it comes as a shock to many, but I haven't done any cleaning since I moved in. At least the shower is clean. It is definitely going to be weird with all 4 of us living in the same house for over a month. I really don't know what to expect. This is one thing that I thought would NEVER happen again, but that's exactly why you should never use the word never. Hopefully it will be a good time and we will all be able to avoid getting on each other's nerves, but something tells me there will be an argument at some point before January 7. At least the shower is clean.

Today I was thinking about how strange the English language really is. While singing the song Celebration by Kool and the Gang, I decided to substitute a different word that rhymes with "celebration" just to spice things up. This is actually one of my favorite pastimes. Today, for some reason, I inserted the word "exultation" into this anthem of the '80s and I actually found it to be a pleasantly enjoyable substitution. But when I happened up on the line "Let's all celebrate and have a good time...." I discovered something that made shudder (ok maybe not shudder but I stopped and thought "Hmm."). Whereas from the word celebration you derive the word celebrate, in the case of exultation there is no such word as exultate! I mean what is going on with our language! How can you have two words which rhyme like celebration and exultation but out of them you get two words that don't sound anything alike. I mean EXULT and CELEBRATE! Come on. Needless to say this didn't stop me from creating a new word for my musical vocabulary. Exultate will forever hold a special place in my heart. I just don't get this language sometimes. But at least the shower is clean.


Stacey said...

1) I am so glad to hear your shower is clean, of course your definition of clean and my definition of clean are probably two different things.

2) I'm impressed with the number of posts you've had lately. You had really been neglecting your blog. =0) I'm sure with the holidays coming, there is probably many more interesting posts to come.

thegermanygirl said...

Matt, I'm not sure I can agree with you on this one. Yes, "exultate" would be the most obvious extrapolation from the relationship between "celebration" and "exultation" ... But did you consider that "celebrate" might, perhaps, be the actual culprit in your dilemma?

I submit that the word "celebrult" would be an appropriate extrapolation from "exult." As in, "Let's all celebrult and have a good time, come on now..."

What do you think?

thegermanygirl said...

P.S. I'm beside myself with joy that you are now able to sit upon your porcelain throne rather than being forced into the undignified position of hugging it.