Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sooners Win Holiday Bowl

Well, tonight OU pulled it out over Oregon winning the game 17-14. I'd like to say that I'm ecstatic over the win but in reality I'm just relieved it's over. This team did everything it could do to lose the game but thankfully Clint Ingram saved the day with an interception in the final minute. For the most part it was a pretty slow game until the third quarter when the offense got things rolling. It was pretty typical of the season however as we left a lot of points on the field, but at least we won. Had Peterson not fumbled on the goal line things could have turned out quite differently.

On the bright side, I really liked some of the plays we ran out of the spread and there are a lot of things to look forward to in the future. The offense looked good overall, and I must say I am excited about not having Chuck here anymore. It's too early to say that Wilson is going to be a great improvement, but things looked much better tonight. Also, I'm not about to start proclaiming a run at the MNC next year but this team has a chance to be good. There is a lot of young talent on this team and if they can learn to actually put people away it could be really good. It would also be a bonus if we learned to play special teams, but that can wait until next year I guess. Until then I can just root against Texas next week and wait eagerly for spring ball.

Boomer Sooner

Good Ol' English

Sometimes the English language really intrigues me. I don’t profess to have a vast knowledge or great grasp of this fine language, as I was always more of the math and science type, but there have always been little things that just fascinate me.

So today I was doing a little browsing of and I came across a word that I’ve always thought to be quite interesting.


  1. Immoral or unchaste; lewd.
  2. a. Gratuitously cruel; merciless. b. Marked by unprovoked, gratuitous maliciousness; capricious and unjust: wanton destruction.
  3. Unrestrainedly excessive: wanton extravagance; wanton depletion of oil reserves.
  4. Luxuriant; overabundant: wanton tresses.
  5. Frolicsome; playful.
  6. Undisciplined; spoiled.
  7. Obsolete. Rebellious; refractory.
Ok. How exactly can a word mean both immoral or unchaste and frolicsome and playful? What in the world? I mean, I would hope we don’t get the meanings of those two mixed up due to a lack of context in a sentence. I’d hate to tell a friend of mine that “I was out with that wanton lass from Sedgewick County the other night.” while quite intending to convey the idea that she was a spoiled girl or even quite playful, yet he is sitting there thinking I’m hanging out with some lewd woman. That could make for quite an uncomfortable situation for some.

Another one that strikes me as interesting is one that my brother pointed out to me a few years ago:


  1. Subject to debate; arguable: a moot question.
  2. a. Law. Without legal significance, through having been previously decided or settled. b. Of no practical importance; irrelevant.
Once again, how can something mean arguable and irrelevant? I would think that those are somewhat conflicting ideas. I certainly wouldn't want to argue about something that is irrelevant. And just like the aforementioned word, I would definitely hate to tell someone that I had a moot question intending to convey that it was debatable yet they think I’m telling them it’s not important. No one would ever understand me. Come to think of it, maybe I’m already doing this as people tend to fail to grasp what I’m saying a majority of the time anyway.

In closing, I’m sure this entire post is quite moot. I hope all you wanton readers have an ambiguous day.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Quote of the Day

At 11:34 AM Carrie wrote:

"to be honest I'd rather be home cooking and having babies than working any day...."

Not sure the relevance to others but I wanted the world to know the truth.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

TV on Steroids

Let me just take a moment to opine on one cool invention. A couple of months ago I heard about the Slingbox on The Jim Rome Show. Basically the idea behind it is that a couple of guys who were sports fans got tired of missing the San Francisco Giants baseball games while they were traveling for work, so they decided to do something about it and that something is the Slingbox. The concept is simple--watch your TV from any broadband connection. I decided to pick one up so that my dad could watch the OU games from Warsaw, as he hadn't been able to watch any the Sooners play since he moved there 3 years ago. It's turned out to be a great purchase not only for them as I use it to watch TV from my computer room, the toilet, and other various places around the house. I would highly recommend this if you're an avid TV watcher and spend any amount of time on the road. Thanks Slingbox! If you were a woman I'd marry you!

Friday, December 23, 2005

One of Life's True Pleasures

I just popped a big zit that had been on my neck for about 4 days. It had grown quite annoying as I'd been squeezing on that bad boy the whole time, but I must say that it was quite a thrill when it finally came to head. I just got that nostalgic feeling of what it was like back in those fond days of puberty to feel the rush of that pus as it smashed onto the bathroom mirror. There is little better.

In light of this, as you can probably already tell, I'd like to take this opportunity to now openly confess my enjoyment of pimples. Actually to be precise I need to say that I actually enjoy popping them because I've never much cared for the appearance nor the lingering sore spot that coincides with these delightful little fellas. But when it comes right down to the moment when the pus comes shooting out of that whitehead like a bullet out of the barrel of a gun, there are few things better in life. In fact, there was a time in my life that had I found a bottle with a genie in it, I would have used one of my three wishes on the ability to have a whole patch of zits on my face each morning that I could pop and then they'd leave no after-effect. Kind of a dermotological bubble wrap, if you will. But, alas, that is only in my dreams. I will now have to settle for the occasional blemish and cherish each pus-filled moment they provide me. But a man can dream can't he?

Shift in the Digital World?

I read and interesting article today about France passing a law that could allow peer-to-peer downloading of copyrighted music and movies. This article is interesting not only because it uses the word "unfettered" in the title but also because it could drastically change the landscape of internet downloads. I for one was a big fan of the original Napster, which allowed users to download all kinds of songs free of charge, but I can definitely understand the reluctance of the music and movie industries to allow free downloads. Obviously as a frugal consumer, I hope we see this move in the direction of the users rather than the industry but I guess we'll see. Until then I'll just continue crossing my fingers and borrowing my brothers cds....

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Quick Thoughts by Mack Gamby

Well Blogadocious has been dormant for quite awhile so I thought I'd end my silence by sharing with you a good book I just finished. It's called Bringing Down the House. It's the real-life story of a group of MIT students who used and elaborate card-counting scheme to win millions of dollars playing blackjack. The best part is it reads like fiction yet is at least based on actual events. I'm not much of a gambler but it sure made me want to go to Vegas! It's definitely worth a read.

And since I'm on the topic..... A judge today ruled against a group from Pennsylvania who was trying to have 'Intelligent Design' taught in the biology classes of local schools. Well I must admit I haven't followed this story closely, but it continually frustrates me how it is "unconstitutional" to teach Creationism or something similar. Even if one chooses not to believe something, why does that mean that we shouldn't learn about it? That completely flies in the face of the whole idea of learning and scholarship. I obviously don't believe in evolution but that doesn't meant that I shouldn't want to learn about it. What's the worst thing that can happen if you learn about something? I suppose it's that you could come to believe it and I guess that's what most of those who oppose teaching Creationism are afraid of. I wouldn't want a public institution teaching my child theology but we are only fostering ignorance if our society refuses to acknowledge a common (and truthful!) idea. It takes no greater leap of faith to believe in the Creation that it does to believe in evolution yet the latter is considered "fact." God must love our nation's willingness to defend the truth!!!

I'm late and leaving. No time to proof-read. Please provide corrections in the form of a comment.

Friday, December 09, 2005

I Am Officially Cool Now

So I have nothing better to do today so here is a dumb quiz I created. I know you're all foaming at the mouth to take this. Knock yourselves out.

My Lame Quiz

Check the Scoreboard

Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Domination

So Blakewell and I are totally dominating Halloween. I mean it's just ridiculous. I think we've passed out candy to like 23 kids and it's only 7:45. I had high expectations of 15 so I'm very pleased to say the least. My Milky Way Minis and Starburst 2-packs are dominating the whole neighborhood. I really feel bad for my neighbors as they really don't have much of a shot to hang with 10704. If anyone hopes to keep up in the future they'd better pass some serious legislation to restrict the holiday spirit coming from this house!!

Humbly Yours,


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Medical Insurance

Never take the higher deductible on your medical insurance for the lower monthly fee. Can I just say I'm an idiot for doing this? Thank you....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Blogging Phenomenon

So I was thinking today about the whole blogging phenomenon. The Blog Herald lists the number of blogs created as of this month at over 100 million!! Obviously this is an obscene number and most of these blogs probably have few readers (unlike the astronomical number of readers I get here at Blogadocious!!), but this got me thinking of the blogs that I read and why I read them. There are so many different types of blogs and I do enjoy clicking the "Next Blog" button at the top of the page from time to time just to see what's out there, but there are few blogs that get me interested enough to make sure that I never miss a post. I know some people enjoy reading blogs for political commentary, religious thoughts, or just for pure comic value. I, however, find that I typically read the blogs of people I know rather than perusing the internet to find exciting new blogs waiting to be discovered. There are, however, some exceptions. I have a few blogs I read regularly that are from people I don't even know and I just find myself in a voyeuristic mode where I enjoy seeing what someone from a completely different part of the country with a completely different background thinks about life. In fact, in many ways I enjoy these blogs more than those of people that I do know. It's not as though I don't like the blogs of my friends, it's just that I see or talk to most of them on a fairly regular basis and there is much less intrigue. It is quite fascinating to see what some arbitrary person in the middle of Kentucky is thinking. It’s also interesting to read the blogs of friends of friends and on down the line, because I obviously don’t know them either.

My enjoyment extends to blogs that deal with thoughts on life rather than actual events that occur in a blogger’s life. Granted, this is not a strict rule, but those blogs that share ideas from a unique perspective are much more fascinating than the old “Today I went to the store and bought a head of lettuce” posts. It’s also a big bonus if the blogs cover a wide range of topics rather than just deal with one theme. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have adult A.D.D. and I can barely think about the same topic for more than 5 minutes. Plus I just like topics that deal with the unusual aspects of life from a unique perspective whether I agree with them or not.

As my mind continued on this exciting journey, I began to ponder the art of commenting on blogs. In my previous post I linked to this post on a blog that I sometimes read which had 110+ comments on it. As Courtney pointed out in her comment on my post, that is unreal! I could only dream of getting 109 comments on a post. So what is it that makes some people post and others just read and move on? Granted, I don’t post on every blog, but I do on most blogs that I read. There are, however, some that I just read from afar and never let my presence be known. I just like whole “fly on the wall” feeling on occasion. I can’t really put my finger on why I’m like this, so I’ll have to give it some more thought.

And the last bloggish thought I had was the purpose behind blogs. Personally, I write Blogadocious more for my personal entertainment and have no real purpose in it other than to share some of my thoughts and moments from my life that I would like to be able to look back on at a later date. But then again, since I know that I have people who read this, I can’t help but temper my comments and sometimes word them in such a way that I won’t give people the wrong impression or even so they don’t know what I’m really thinking. There is a small part of me that would like to have a blog that is anonymous so that I can say whatever I want no matter how politically incorrect, unpopular or honest they may be. Maybe I’ll just do that someday.

And this concludes my fantastic insight. Blog on…..

A Penny for Your Thoughts....

I found this intersting post today on the value of the trusty penny and I think it's worth a read. I agree that we should just do away with the penny altogether. What purpose does it really serve?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Godly Friends and OU-texas

I'd like to take a minute to just say what a blessing it is to have godly friends. I'm obviously not the most open person in the world and don't typically go out of my way to share my struggles with others, but I am thankful to God for friends who will listen in a non-judgmental way and encourage me to press on despite myself. It is so encouraging to know that others struggle with the same things I do and that I'm not alone in my frailty. I am a weak man and I struggle mightily in my daily life, but praise God that he keeps putting up with me and blesses me even when I don't deserve it.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

9 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:

10 If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!

Oh and I got a ticket for the texas game today. It's going to be 6 in a row for the Sooners.


this is an audio post - click to play

Guess where I ate?

Video of the Day

These two inspire me.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Washer Heaven

I think my washer just passed on. YES! I was starting to get think it might actually work for awhile and we wouldn't want that.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Nothing Good

I went to dinner tonight after church with Jill and Newby, and as is my normal behavior I had a little friendly banter with our waitress, Tammy*. Tonight turned out to be a little different than usual, however. What at first turned out to be some enjoyable joking turned quickly into a more important conversation. It all started with us joking about her being cynical and of course I shared that I tended to be as well. The tone changed upon me sharing that I was a Christian to which I got a very candid response from her. Tammy began to share with us how she basically thinks there is "nothing good" in the world. She came from a bad home life and used to attend church but she doesn't anymore and in fact doesn't even believe in God. She was very open with us that she thinks that the world is evil and that it starts with our government and it trickles down even into churches and to individuals.

As our conversation went on, I found my heart going out to her because in a lot of ways I could hear some of my thoughts and feelings in what she was saying, with one major difference--my hope comes in Jesus Christ. If you know me, then you'll know that cynicism is something I constantly struggle with. I can oftentimes catch myself looking at the world as if it is nothing but evil, but I realize that this is only my attitude. God is good. Because of this there are good things in this world. Of course there are evil things in the world and even the church but it's not such an absolute as I sometimes think. As I talked with Tammy I felt helpless to reach out to her and share this hope with her. All I could do was simply let her know that she was welcome at MRCC anytime and that she could contact me if she ever needed anything. I also told her that I would pray for her (which is really the best thing I can do). I honestly have no idea if she will ever come or will ever contact me but my prayer is that she will see the need for God in her life and can find the peace that comes from a relationship with our Savior. Please pray that Tammy will find God's peace and will seek help if needed.

*Name has been changed to protect the secret identity of said waitress

Google Talk

Join the Google talk sensation. If you like to IM then you need to check this out. It has already revolutionized my life. I've lost 10 pounds and have no monetary concerns any longer. You can go to the Google Talk site to check find out details but I think it's worth it. Add me if you sign up.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Back in Warsaw

Well I made it back to Warsaw early this morning from a short excursion to Deutschland. I drove over with my parents to Chemnitz to see all my freunden there. They were all very cheery and Frau, Linda, und Marion all cooked for us on Thursday night. It was scrum-diddly-umptious to say the least. I then played a lot of mafia, hung out, talked, learned German, ate Döner, slept, met a giant mouse at MiniWelt (see below), went to church, fought off tons of girls and then we drove home yesterday. Overall it was a grand old time. Muchas gracias (in no certain order) to Frau, Marion, Courtney, Ed, The Laugks, Pam, Larry, Snickers, Joey, and the Turkish Döner man for cooking for us, making us laugh, letting me sleep on your couch, singing, smiling, barking, pizza, and everything else. Oh and for teaching me "Ich bin nicht schwull." Danke schön!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Middle Toe, Right Foot

Ok so my toenail isn't completely off right now but it's just a matter of time. I'm hoping that this will help me with the ladies since they'll know that I lost my toenail in Central Europe. I think that makes me sound rather exotic and tougher than your average Oklahoman. I did ok today despite walking all over Old Town with a busted toe. I think I'm ready to try to live in the Amazon rainforrests for 20 days with no supplies.

European Vacation

So I'm pecking this post out from the great city of Warsaw. I just ripped the toenail off the middle toe on my right foot on my parent's bathroom door. I would highly recommend this to everyone (on your own bathroom door, not my parents) if you are looking for some cheap fun. I can't really think of a better way to get this trip off on a better foot (pun intended). On the way to the airport in Dallas, I picked up a hitchhiker named Sharon. It was the second time in my life that I've done this. I think I'll do it again. It's a good way to talk about God to them because they can't really jump out of my car at 78 mph. Also, I got the middle three seats to myself on the flight from Houston to Amsterdam so I had the nicest Trans-Atlantic flight to date. Somehow I just know I won't be so lucky on the return trip. I'm bound to sit by a slightly balding, 265 pound man from Kamchatka who will breathe on me the entire flight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.

Friday, September 16, 2005

New Look for Blogadocious

Well I've finally done it! Blogadocious officially has a new look. I guess that's a pretty obvious statement since most likely you are reading this on my blog with the aforementioned new look. If you aren't reading this then I really don't care for you at all anyway so please continue to not read. For those of you reading this, I hope the new look is pleasing to your optic nerves.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Why Should the Fire Die

Ok so it's not really brand new but if you like music you should check out the new Nickel Creek album Why Should the Fire Die. I won't give a review, because I'm not a music critic (actually my throat just hurts and I'm lazy but that's a better excuse) but it's worth a listen. If you are a Nickel Creek fan and for some reason haven't heard it, you can expect it to sound about as different from the second album as the second album did from the first. Onward and upward.....

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Sad Day In Norman

Well, where do I begin? Actually I'm not going to go into much detail but let's just say that it was a sad day if you're a Sooner fan as we lost to the mighty Horned Frogs of TCU today, 17-10. In Norman, no less. Chuck Long called a great game though. I don't think TCU ever really got a bead on the 4 plays we ran over-and-over. At least not until the middle of the 2nd quarter. I'm also proud the that University was kind enough to raise ticket prices this year so that I could pay more to see such a great game today. Paul Thompson showed what all Sooner fans have been waiting for as well by occasionally getting a pass close to a Sooner receiver. His fumble and interception were nice too. It's a great start to the season. This harkens back to the great season of 1996 as we were able to pull off the same feat. Coincidentally we play Tulsa next week and we also lost to them in 96 also, so maybe we can accomplish that one too.

Hopefully the coaching staff can get things corrected. It's not like I haven't talked about this countless times before, but I'm just sick of Chuck's offense. It's even worse now because he doesn't have Mark Clayton, Mark Bradley, Jason White, et al to make him look good. He really laid an egg today. He never even tried to mix things up and put us in a position to be successful when it was obvious we were struggling. I guess he just figured we would eventually pull it out because our jerseys say "Sooners" on the front. Who knows? In any case, if we don't get something figured out fast, it's going to be a LONG year.... (no pun intended)

Friday, September 02, 2005

Blogger Surviving in New Orleans

The situation in New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast area is just heartbreaking. I cannot imagine the situation these people are facing. May God be will everyone during this time.

Today, while reading this article about a web firm based out of a skyscraper in New Orleans that is fighting desperately to keep things running, I found out about this blog: which is worth a read. This guy is reporting things quickly and has lots of pictures and even some video feeds. Check it out if you get a chance.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Sooner Football

The season kicks off in only 5 days and I can hardly wait. This the intro video for this year's team. I saw this a few weeks ago and got chills just watching it. It's such a teaser though because I want to see a lot more. I guess I only have 5 days to wait though. Boomer Sooner!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Text Messaging

So I had to make the decision today on whether to stay with Alltel, or to switch to another service like Cingular, Sprint, or a carrier pigeon. I would have much preferred to just stay with AT&T but obviously they took the easy way out. So as I’m sitting there trying to decide on plans, I can’t help but think at the money these companies make off text messaging. I mean, they charge 5 or 10 cents per message depending on the carrier. That is just ludicrous. It barely uses their system to send a message that is simple text and they charge you out the wazoo for that. I wish I had invented text messaging so I could reap some of the profits from this great technology.

On a side note, I joined MySpace earlier this week. I love being a freak of nature who can’t help but enjoy the latest fad that the internet has to offer. If you’re interested, you can check out my profile here. I know you’re all going to run out and join so you can be on my friends list.

Oh yeah, and Paul Thompson was named the starting qb today for the Sooners. If you want my opinion you can listen to my audio post below.

Sooners Name Starting QB

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, August 19, 2005

Blogadocious Going Global

I just discovered that if you Google Blogadocious then you will be the proud discoverer of my blog. First in the list! I think my life has reached it'’s apex. There is nowhere to go but down. I will be signing autographs at the Shell gas station on the corner of 122nd and May tomorrow from 2 to 4 in honor of the great event....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Kosovo Music Video

Check out this music video my brother forwarded me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Christian Paradox

Using my StumbleUpon button this fine afternoon I happened across this exerpt from called The Christian Paradox. In don't really have time to comment right now but I thought it was some interesting food for thought. Maybe I'll sit down later and voice some opinions but knowing me, I probably won't. I guess we'll see......

Six words

Six words that have been bandying around in my noggin the last few days:

- Gumption
- Legumes
- Integrity
- Proscribe
- Football
- Mercy

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Nothing tops receiving a compliment from a good buddy. In response to the price for him to buy some football tickets to sit next to me this season, here is what I got:

"you can't put a price on being able to sit next to one of the laziest, nastiest, most intelligent of all my pot-pie eating friends.......I'll do it for you man!!!!!!!"

It's nice when someone really knows you for who you are....

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Senile Felines

Palind: "Yo! Banana Boy!"
Rome: "Yes, Mary Ramsey?"
Palind: "Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?"
Rome: "No, Sir. Panic is a basic in a prison."
Palind: "Was it a bat I saw?"
Rome: "No, it is opposition."
Palind: "WOW!"
Rome: "War, sir, is raw!"
Palind: "Warsaw was raw?"
Rome: "No, Mel Gibson is a casino's big lemon."
Palind: "Never odd or even!"
Rome: "Naomi, did I moan?"
Palind: "AHA!"
Rome: "Lager, sir is regal."

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Abode

Several have inquired as to the appearance of my recently purchased abode. I thought I'd finally cease procrastinating on this and share some photos. Enjoy....

My House

Still My House

Back of house


Living Room

Still the Living Room


Darth Obvious

Sleep studies are fun! I'm well on my way to officially becoming Darth Obvious!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Happy Blogday....

or would it be Happy Birthblog? What do I know? I don't even really post that much so I'm obviously not the most bloggish person in the world. In any case I just want to take this opportunity to congratulate myself on Blogadocious surviving for one full year. I have successfully entertained thousands of readers the world round and have barely been able to stop posting so my life is basically fulfilled. I'll now need a new fad to occupy 10 minutes of my time every 6 weeks. Until then, here's to one more year!!!

Friday, July 15, 2005

A Happy Birthday (Belated)

Well I intended to write this post yesterday but my cousin Josh is staying with me right now and I didn't really get a chance so I'll just take it on right now. It didn't really even dawn on me until yesterday but 18 years ago yesterday (July 14, 1987) was my spiritual birthday. That's right, 18 years ago I was baptized into Christ at Burnt Cabin Christian Camp on Lake Tenkiller. It's really kind of hard to imagine that it's been that long ago but I can honestly say it's the best decision of my life! Now I wish I could say that I've lived up to the high standards of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but unfortunately I've done more than my share of failing. Thankfully, though God has been good to me and I am still here making it day by day! Hopefully I'll have another 18 years ahead of me!

1 Cor 1:3-6

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Day We've All Been Waiting For

Ok I must admit that I'm rather excited today. If you are a movie fan at all then you are probably aware that Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith opened today. I've been a big fan of the Star Wars movies all my life so this is the culmination of that effort. I guess I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan out there since I don't choose to dress up like a Wookie or act out the scenes with all my friends, but I still derive a great amount of pleasure from watching the films. Hopefully this movie will far surpass the previous two which just couldn't quite match up to the original trilogy. I guess I will be finding out at 5 PM today. It sure is going to be hard staying focused at work though, that's for sure.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Welcome to The Village

Well, I'm all moved in and loving my new place. It's nice being a homeowner. Apparently though, the city of The Village decided as a housewarming gift to turn off my water. I must say I'm very excited about this. Especially since I just got through playing basketball. They are very thoughtful. Especially since I got the notice to call City Hall to establish my utilities on Friday late afternoon and I called at noon today. Since they aren't open on the weekends and close at 5 they sure give you lots of time to get things set up. I hope this happens every week since it really makes me leap for joy. THANK YOU VILLAGE CITY EMPLOYEES!!! At least 24 is coming on in 8 minutes....

UPDATE: Ok, I owe a sincere apology to The Village. It was actually OKC who cut off my water. So please direct all ill will toward them. I really love The Village and would not want to do anything to hamper our relationship. In fact, if The Village were a girl I would marry her.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ameliorating My Living Environment

Wow. Lord willing tomorrow at this time I will knows as a true American homeowner. I've had many people ask me if I'm excited and they seem puzzled by my response of "I'm just ready to get it over." It's not that I'm not grateful and I'm not looking forward to owning my own home, but I just don't think 'excited' is the right word. It must be my frugal nature that sees all the dinero I'm putting down and realizes I've saved all these years and now, wham-o, I'm back to having little saved again. I hope that doesn't seem ungrateful, because believe me, I'm very grateful to God for blessing me in this. I guess it's just that part of me that draws a little security knowing I have enough money in savings to take care of myself in case of an emergency. Like I could ever have enough! Anyway, I digress. So I will be a homeowner. It will be very nice to be living in my own abode after being a nomad for two weeks. Nomadic life is nice in some ways because it causes me to change up that thing that I really hate but have succumbed to because a decent life demands it: routine. So I welcome the brief moments of flexibility to my normal schedule in order to keep things fresh and new-like the pants I wear to work for instance. I really wish I'd been wise enough to pack and extra pair before I stored all my stuff as this pair is very stale. Ok my diatribe is coming to an end. I'm not even really sure why I felt a need to post today. I was just in the mood, I suppose. I'm going to live dangerously and not even proofread it either!! I'm so daring....

Hebrews 11:13-16

Friday, April 29, 2005

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Homeowner Gambill

Or at least that is what I'll soon be. Yes, I have finally decided to take the plunge and purchase an abode to call my own. I don't close for another couple weeks which has created the nice burden of storing my possessions for two weeks since mom and dad have sold their house as of tomorrow. At least I know that I will have a place though. I should have much more to write as I need to keep record of my exciting last 5 weeks but that will have to wait until a more opportune time. Just remember, if you ever have the desire to go to Buenos Aires, I'd recommend staying longer than 37 hours....

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Roll Call

In honor of Lezli from Levelland, Texas who read my blog but did not post, please post a comment if you actually read this. I'm VERY curious.

Your Hero,

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Commonly Confused Word Test

Take this test! My results are below.

English Genius
You scored 100% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 88% Expert!
You did so extremely well, even Ican't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog:

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 68% on Beginner
You scored higher than 30% on Intermediate
You scored higher than 48% on Advanced
You scored higher than 96% on Expert
Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on Ok Cupid

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


God's grace is really amazing. It's so amazing that a perfect and holy God would desire to have a relationship with a sinful and weak person like myself. Intellectually I understand that grace exists but that concept is really so hard to truly grasp--that I can be forgiven simply because God will forgive me, and there is nothing I can do to earn it. I'm so thankful that God saw fit to give this gift before the creation of the world. I'm so thankful that God will forgive my sins time and time again even though He knows I will turn right back around and do it again. I'm so thankful that He has brought me so far in life and is so patient with me. I'm so thankful for the risen Jesus Christ who takes away the sins of the world. Praise God!

1 Pet 1:3-4 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade–kept in heaven for you..."

Monday, February 14, 2005

I'm Back!!!!

I've successfully neglected my blog again for quite some time. I really wish I were more dedicated to writing but I just don't seem to take the time. Nothing really exciting is going on. I guess since I last wrote I've done a few things. Oh yeah, I did go to the Orange Bowl to witness the Sooners get massacred by the Trojans 55-19. This team just didn't seem to have the toughness it takes to win. It's pretty sad for all the talent we had. I'm finally starting to get over it and to get excited about next season. I'm sure not excited about the basketball team. I'm sick of watching 7 minute stretches of 5 guys standing around and calling that good basketball. Hopefully they'll get it turned around but I think I've decided with the "listen to the games on radio" philosophy so I don't have to watch the terrible mess.

As for things of real importance, I did have a good visit with Mom and Dad. They were here through mid-January and I must say it was odd living in the house with them. I don't think I ever thought I would live back here again, let alone back in my old room with the whole family around. It wasn't bad, just a little freaky.

Oh and Zac moved to Argentina. I think things are going well as I've talked to him on IM a few times. He sounds like he's been traveling a lot. I'm not really sure what else he's been up to. I must say it is a little odd to be the only one of my family to be living in OKC currently but I hadn't really thought about it until Zac asked me on Saturday. I guess it's not really that weird b/c I'm pretty busy but for the sake of the blog I'll mention it.

Other than that, life is pretty much normal. I've been teaching class for the Young Couples' at church. I've really enjoyed it too. They really have a lot of comments which makes it a lot more interesting on my end. I must say it is quite exhausting teaching for 5 out of 6 weeks but it is definitely worth it. I need that in my life. Hopefully as the years go by I will learn to be a much better teacher as well.

I guess Blogadocious can be satisfied now with this mini-biography. I'm sure I'll post again in another couple of months.

Now This is What I Call a Fan!!

Thanks to Adria for forwarding on this great article. I guess I'm not as big of a Sooner Fan as I'd like to believe.

I love my boys too much!