Ms. McRee,
I was just browsing the NewsOK website while doing a little research on Zach Daniel with 3 of my friends Lindsy, Holly and Jamie (who think he's hot by the way but not as hot as his partner in crime, Jed Castles) when we stumbled across your profile. I know this is coming out of left field but I'd just like to say that we all think you do a spectacular job on Channel 9 and it's really inspiring to know that you are a true Oklahoman, through and through. Holly said, "I knew I liked her!" when we read the part about you being on the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. I think it really touched us all to realize that despite your busy schedule, you still make time to look out for the best interest of other Hispanics such as yourself. You are to be commended for this! In closing, I would like to say that we are all honored to be able to watch you on News 9, and although the slogan has long passed, you really are "The Spirit of Oklahoma!"
Your Loyal Viewer,
Personaly I'm Tamra Pratt fan and was a little disapointed when Amy got the gig after Jennifer Reynolds and then the outsider left. Not to say Amy is bad but Tamra is an OC grad and has paid her dues. Come on. I don't think that Tamra is Hispanic though. So that probably counted against her. She also wasn't blonde enough.
She did a great job tonight anchoring the fire coverage.
All I wanna see on News 9 is 24 hours of nothing but GAN MATTHEWS!
Case closed!
You know, Tamra Pratt is pretty darn good. I like her a lot and the OC factor definitely doesn't hurt. But If you somehow could combine Tamra and Gan you would have the ultimate news power in the universe. I shudder at and am enamored with the thought. Ganra Mratt would dominate the airways for years to come!
I'm anxious to hear if you get an answer to your letter! I hope you'll share it with us all! :O) C U in February!!
I think Amy has shunned me. I'm trying to keep it together....
Oh no, don't lose it! Remember she's just a person like you and me!!
But, Frau, the real question is whether or not Matt is just a person like you and me. ;o)
First off, I'm doing ok right now. Secondly, Courtney hit the nail on the head in that I'm nothing like either of you. I'm well grounded....
Are you saying we're NOT well grounded? What's up with that? I feel very well grounded, you do mean that in the meaning of gravity, right?
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